Conference against Drought&Flooding: Anti drought&anti flooding techniques for investors, farmers and gardeners

Tuesday  1st October 2024. 

1/3 of world soils are at risk of desertification. Even in Western Europe, yield and productivity are always more crippled by climate change and extreme weather events.

How to create a climate change resilient farm? how to increase&revive soil productivity by a proper management of the water cycle, using natural methods ? The president of the LAA will share the best worldwide practices of  countries, farmers and villagers to make their landscape resilient to climate change&desertification, even up to turning a desert green again as some exceptionnal people do :

With this knowledge, investors, farmers and gardeners, even in Western Europe, will be able to adapt their farms to the challenge of climate change and protect their future.

With this knowledge, investors will be able to rent or buy arid lands, even deserts , and turn them into gardens and forests, reaching thus their carbon neutral and social impact targets at a very efficient price quality ratio.

With this knowledge, cities will know how to work with farmers to treat their watershed to avoid massive floodings: this conference prepares the LAA conference on sponge cities.

Governements giving long term lease of desertic/arid areas to international investors willing to plant forests for their carbon neutral and legal biodiversity needs, please contact the LAA to be included in our opportunities database.

This one day technical conference prepares for our Biodiversity fairs.

Attendees of the conference can also meet innovative luxembourgish start ups and service providers in agriculture, reforestation, biodiversity, innovative landscaping in the conference premices.

Exhibitors  and sponsors interested by the conference (companies, start ups etc) can contact the LAA.

To attend this conference, you have to become a member of the LAA  by returning this form filled : membership form

Download the program of the conference here

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