Tuesday 13th May 2025.
Entrepreneurs willing to create their first agribusiness fund or start up, existing funds seeking to additionnal capital for new agribusiness funds and established developping start ups gather in luxembourg to meet experts, service providers, investors, family offices, banks and multilateral banks.
In one conference room, exhibitors can show their projects on their booth, in another conference, pitches will take place every 10 minutes around each hourly selected topic
The event is organised in partnership with luxembourg financial institutions.
Attendees of the conference can also meet innovative luxembourgish start ups and service providers in agriculture, reforestation, biodiversity, innovative landscaping in the conference premices.
Exhibitors interested by the conference (companies, start ups etc) can contact the LAA.
To attend this conference, you have to become a member of the LAA or be already a member of other luxembourg financial institutions